The Leader's Compass Blog

Leadership Development Essentials: Understanding Behaviors vs Skills

Written by Rach SebellShavit | Jan 10, 2024 1:16:56 PM

Leadership within any organization isn't merely about occupying a position; it's about the mastery of a skill set and a set of behaviors that collectively drive progress and inspire growth. Often, when discussing leadership development the terms "leadership behaviors" and "leadership skills" get used interchangeably, yet they represent two distinct and equally crucial facets of the leadership development of effective leaders. 

Leadership behaviors encapsulate the visible actions, responses, and patterns that leaders exhibit in their interactions with their teams and in navigating challenging situations. Conversely, leadership skills represent the underlying abilities, competencies, and cognitive strengths that empower leaders to tackle complex issues, make strategic decisions, and foster growth within their teams and organizations.

In this guide to leadership development, we'll delve into the nuances between leadership behaviors and skills, noting the critical differences and exploring how understanding and aligning these elements can empower managers to pivot their leadership approach and foster greater success within their teams.

Part 1: Understanding Leadership Behaviors

Definition of Leadership Behaviors

Leadership behaviors are the observable actions, reactions, and conduct that leaders exhibit in their daily interactions and decisions within an organization. In other words, they are what others see when you show up. These behaviors encompass a spectrum of traits that result in a leader's communication styles, decision-making approaches, conflict resolution strategies, motivational techniques, and adaptability to diverse business scenarios.

Key Leadership Behaviors Every Leader Must Develop Awareness Of

  • Communication Styles: Effective communication is pivotal for leadership success. Different communication styles — assertive, empathetic, directive, or participative — impact how leaders convey ideas, resolve conflicts, and build relationships within their teams.
  • Decision-Making Style: Leaders' decision-making processes significantly influence organizational outcomes. Understanding various decision-making methods — from autocratic to consensus-driven approaches — helps leaders navigate challenges and make informed choices aligned with the organization's goals.
  • Conflict Resolution Style: Conflict is inevitable in any workplace. Effective leaders employ strategies such as mediation, negotiation, or collaboration to address conflicts constructively, fostering team cohesion and productivity.
  • Motivational Style: Inspiring and motivating teams lies at the heart of effective leadership. Leaders employ diverse motivational methods — intrinsic or extrinsic — to drive engagement and harness the best from their team members.
  • Adaptivity Style: Adapting to diverse situations is a hallmark of exceptional leadership. Leaders who display agility, resilience, and openness to change navigate complexities and drive their teams toward success.

Part 2: Exploring Leadership Skills

Definition of Leadership Skills

On the other hand, leadership skills encompass the abilities, learned and innate, that enable individuals to effectively guide, influence, and inspire others toward shared objectives. In other words, skills are how you execute when you show up. Leadership skills are the foundation upon which successful leadership is built and include a blend of strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, adaptability, and various interpersonal abilities.

Crucial Leadership Skills Every Leader Must Master

  • Strategic Thinking: The ability to envision the future, anticipate changes, and devise plans that align with organizational goals. Strategic thinking aids in long-term planning and navigating uncertainties effectively.
  • Emotional Intelligence: The ability to be adept at understanding, managing, and harnessing emotions — both self and others' — fostering an environment of empathy, collaboration, and enhanced decision-making.
  • Goal Setting: The ability to set clear and meaningful goals for their team, and track progress in a way that drives accountability and continuous improvement.
  • Foster Accountability: The ability to create a culture of follow through and a team commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Deliver Feedback: The ability to give both positive and challenging feedback in a way that is constructive, specific, and supportive of the growth and development of direct reports.
  • Navigate Difficult Conversations: The ability to approach difficult conversations with empathy, respect, and a focus on finding mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Coach Direct Reports: The ability to listen and ask critical questions that help others fully explore their options and find their best way forward.
  • Inspire and Motivate Others: The ability to leverage communication style in a way that inspires and motivates teams, embraces curiosity and emphasizes a learning approach
  • Problem-Solving: The ability to analyze complex issues, weigh alternatives, experiment to find the right solution and arrive at sound decisions swiftly, contributing to organizational efficiency.
  • Collaboration: The ability to work effectively with others to the overall goals of the organization.
  • Time Management: The ability to make the most effective use of time and resources, and develop systems and strategies to delegate effectively, stay organized, and accomplish critical business goals.
  • Adaptability and Resilience: The ability to pivot swiftly in response to changing environments and bounce back from setbacks inspire confidence and lead teams through uncertainty.

Part 3: Examining the Relationship Between Behaviors and Skills

How Leadership Behaviors and Skills Intersect

Effective leadership development requires examining how leadership behaviors and skills are interconnected and how they profoundly influence one another. While behaviors pertain to the observable actions and conduct of a leader, skills encompass the underlying competencies and abilities driving those behaviors. They aren't isolated but rather mutually reinforcing aspects that shape a leader's effectiveness.

The Impact of Behaviors on the Development of Skills

Leadership behaviors significantly impact the cultivation and refinement of leadership skills. They influence the “will” or priority a leader places on developing certain skills. For instance, a leader that has a proactive communication style (behavior emphasizing the interplay between their level of dominance and patience) is going to deliver feedback differently than a leader who has a reactive communication style. Leadership Development around delivering feedback will have to tease out the different challenges each leader’s behavioral styles bring when developing the skill of delivering effective feedback. By taking a coaching approach vs a training approach to leadership development, the needs of both these leaders can be effectively addressed in a group or 1:1 leadership development setting.

How Skills Influence Exhibited Behaviors

Conversely, honed leadership skills often manifest in a leader's exhibited behaviors. When leadership skills are developed and applied, they boost leader’s behaviors, empowering leaders to navigate complexities with grace, make informed decisions, and foster an environment conducive to growth and success. For example, when a leader refines their emotional intelligence, this skill improvement impacts the manner in which said leader communicates, motivates, and collaborates with others. In other words, how the leader executes is their skill, which impacts what others see when they do it, their behaviors.

Part 4: Common Misalignments and How to Course Correct

Leadership development often faces challenges due to misalignments between perceived behaviors and actual skills. These disparities can hinder managerial effectiveness and organizational progress. Addressing these misconceptions and aligning behaviors with skills is crucial for leadership development programs to yield impactful results.

Managers frequently grapple with misjudgments about their leadership qualities. For instance, a manager may think they are an excellent communicator, yet their team perceives them as distant or unclear in conveying instructions. Such disconnects underscore the importance of introspection and feedback mechanisms to bridge the gap between perceived behaviors and actual competencies.

Strategies to align behaviors and skills for effective leadership:

  • Leadership Development Coaching: Engaging in coaching that explores refining behaviors and skills. Certified coaches provide guidance through thoughtful inquiry and dialogue, supporting leaders in discovering how their behaviors and skills intersect and how to harmonize them effectively.
  • Goal-Oriented Action Plans: Encourage managers to create action plans that translate desired behaviors into actionable steps. These plans can outline objectives, steps to develop necessary skills, and methods to reinforce aligned behaviors, enabling a more purposeful journey towards effective leadership.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: Implementing a robust feedback system enables managers to receive insights from superiors, peers, and subordinates. This comprehensive feedback loop unveils unawareness spots and areas for improvement, fostering self-awareness and helping managers align their perceived behaviors with actual skills.
  • Continuous Learning and Leadership Development: Encourage ongoing learning initiatives that focus on skill enhancement, fostering an environment where managers can continuously refine their skills to match their intended behaviors. This might include workshops, seminars, or mentorship programs aimed at specific skill development.
  • Creating a Culture of Accountability: Foster a culture that values open and honest communication that emphasizes feedback, accountability and resilience. Encourage managers to embrace a growth mindset by taking responsibility for upskilling in key areas, adapting when misalignments occur, and continually striving for improvement.

Addressing these common misalignments and implementing strategies for realignment fosters an environment conducive to effective leadership development, ensuring that behaviors and skills remain synchronized to drive success within the organization.

Part 5: Take Action

When it comes to leadership development, how leader’s cultivate stronger leadership behaviors and leadership skills shapes their inevitable success as a leader. The significance of aligning behaviors with skills cannot be overstated. When these are in discord, leaders are disempowered, lack confidence and struggle to inspire their teams. When leaders are able to feel high confidence in their skill levels and authenticity in their behaviors, they are able to lead with empowerment, inspiring trust, and fostering a conducive work environment.

Achieving the right balance between behaviors and skills is transformative, propelling leaders toward success. When behaviors align seamlessly with skills, leaders can communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts adeptly, and motivate teams with authenticity, culminating in enhanced organizational performance and a thriving workplace culture. The journey to leadership excellence necessitates a continuous effort to harmonize behaviors and skills. This convergence propels leaders to new heights and elevates the entire organizational landscape.

If you are ready to explore taking your or your team’s leadership development to the next level, HELM365 is here for you.