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HELM365 guides leaders and teams with curiosity at their core to navigate challenges using hands-on, creative methods that drive results.

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Rach SebellShavit, ICF PCC is a Leadership & Team Effectiveness Coach who works with leaders and teams, coaching them to find answers to problems that are too far out of reach to get to on their own.

We have a pervasive problem in the business world, leaders across organizations are being asked to accomplish more and more without the resources and insights to lead their teams to success. Companies can't afford to ignore this problem and sadly, they don’t have the time nor the expertise to address it.

How do I know this? I was in these leader's shoes and using my proven methodology, have coached hundreds of leaders to tap into their curiosity and overcome the critical obstacles impeding their success. 

How much time and energy are you and your team burning through, spinning your wheels in a status quo loop instead of unlocking problems that will deliver critical results? 

This is what I do, I help leaders pinpoint the critical gaps holding them and their team back. If you'd like to explore how I can do this for you, let's book a free consultation.

HELM365's Guiding Principles

for All

Leadership must not be limited to a select few; it's a skill that can be nurtured in anyone. HELM365 is here to make leadership development accessible to all.

Continuous Growth

Development is not a destination, it is an ongoing journey. HELM365 is dedicated to providing resources and tools that enable growth mindsets to flourish.

Empowered Ownership

Empowered individuals make successful organizations. HELM365 provides the knowledge and resources needed for change management efforts to be successful.

Collaborative Teamwork

Cultures of collaboration and teamwork don't just happen they must be nurtured. HELM365's methodology supports the conditions to create environments where individuals and ideas can thrive.

What Clients Are Saying

Receiving coaching was life changing. Rach helped me become the best version of me. My family and colleagues noticed my growth and it only happened by being open and honest in coaching.

~Roxanna Borgess, Manager, Bank of America

“I knew coaching would serve as a great benefit for my personal and professional development. It felt like a weight lifted off of my shoulders; I was able to recognize my imposter syndrome in tandem with daily systemic inequities, including racism, microaggressions, toxic masculinity, gender imbalances, and other power dynamics. Until this time, I hadn’t realized my identity construction, was being hindered by others’ perceptions of my intelligence, confidence, determination, and curiosity due to my intersectional identities. Now I can begin to fully embrace my identity as an intelligent and determined” strong ”black woman.”

~Chris Armstrong, Managing Director, Transformative Culture Project

Guide_ Why Your Feedback Isnt Getting Results-1
Course Correction Guide: Why Your Feedback Isn't Getting Results

Find out how to better leverage feedback that builds culture and drives results.

Ready to overcome obstacles holding you and your team back?

Book A Free Consult

Why Choose HELM365

  • Over 5000 hours of coaching and training delivered to organizations world-wide
  • Personalized behavior and skill insights using leading, validated  assessment tools
  • Behavior and skill development that is contextual and relevant to individual needs
  • Coaching from an ICF-PCC certified coached to ensure personal and professional development
  • Content that is continually updated to ensure relevance to evolving business trends
ICF PCC Leadership Development Coach
Leadership Circle Practitioner
Lego Serious Play Method Badge
Hogan Certified Leadership Development Coach
Master Certified Leadership Development Trainer
Predictive Index Practitioner

Rach SebellShavit, ICF PCC

Rach is a Leadership and Team Effectiveness Coach who is on a mission to help leaders and teams with curiosity in their DNA overcome their biggest obstacles so they can drive the results that matter.

Armed with over two decades of professional experience in the Boston Tech & Non-Profit Industry, a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design and an MBA from Babson College, Rach uses creativity and strategic insights to address individual and organizational challenges comprehensively. Her track record speaks volumes, having spearheaded impactful programs across start-ups to Fortune 100 organizations, solidifying her reputation as best in class coach and facilitator. Rach’s mastery of coaching includes certification in Facilitating LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®; credentials in the premier leadership assessments including Leadership Circle 360, Hogan, Predictive Index, and Korn Ferry Leadership Architect; and over 5000 hours of one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and training sessions delivered to date.

Rach works with leaders and teams, coaching them to find answers to problems that are too far out of reach to get to on their own. Individuals and teams who work with Rach emerge from coaching more self-aware, adaptable, and impactful, equipped with a comprehensive set of skills that enable them to drive positive change and achieve superior results. If you'd like to explore how I can do this for you, let's book a free consultation.


I help leaders pinpoint the critical gaps holding them and their teams back. If you'd like to explore how I can do this for you, let's book a free consultation.

20+ Years In Boston Tech & Non-Profit

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5000+ Hours of Coaching & Training Delivered


500+ Hours of Coach & Trainer Certification Completed

Hogan Certified Coach
LEGO Serious Play Cert Badge
Leadership Circle Profile Certified Coach
PI Image

Ready to overcome obstacles holding you and your team back?

Book A Free Consult