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LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Meetings & Workshops

Ready to have meetings where everyone contributes? 

LSP Workshops Are (1)

A Multimodal Tool For Getting Unstuck

Multi-hour meetings where no one is listening should be a thing of the past. Now it can be for your organization! Increase participation, openness, communication, co-creation, ownership, and accountability. 

When we build with our hands, our brains are activated. When we take an experimental approach, our growth mindset is activated. Together this process of thinking and experimenting with our hands breaks down walls and complacency, increasing our insights, ideas, and willingness to challenge ourselves and the status quo.

Imagine meetings where:
  • Everyone feels included and participants are willing to be vulnerable 
  • No single person dominates the conversation and everyone participates 
  • Models are metaphors that participants remember
  • Complexity is made accessible by leveraging hands-on thinking 
  • A collective understanding unfolds as the sum of all parts joins to create a full picture
  • Insights are turned into action items that inspire ownership

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is an internationally-renowned methodology where participants use LEGO bricks to build models that represent their thoughts, ideas, and challenges more clearly, enabling stronger communication and problem-solving skills. It allows participants to slow down, think with more than just what is in their heads and better communicate their thoughts and ideas. The methodology is based on extensive research and enables teams to address complex issues in a fun and engaging way.

What Clients Are Saying

Rach led an exceptional full-day board retreat for the Aero Club of New England, and her impact was nothing short of transformative. From the outset, Rach demonstrated meticulous preparation, deep knowledge, and remarkable insightfulness, which immediately earned the respect and admiration of our diverse board members.

Throughout the retreat, Rach employed innovative and engaging methods to involve every participant, ensuring that all perspectives were heard and valued. Her ability to navigate the complexities of our organization while fostering meaningful dialogue was truly impressive.

Beyond the retreat itself, Rach's commitment to our project was unwavering. Her follow-up efforts were exemplary, providing invaluable guidance as we charted a clear path forward to achieve our organizational objectives. Thanks to Rach's expertise and dedication, we now feel equipped and inspired to tackle our goals with renewed vigor and strategic clarity.

It was a privilege to work with Rach SebellShavit, and we wholeheartedly recommend her to any organization seeking a dynamic facilitator who delivers results and leaves a lasting positive impact.

~ David B. Hampson, President,

 When team meetings lack the participation and energy needed to drive critical results, you need a coach who can coach you on how to set compelling meeting objectives, create a culture of trust, and facilitate team discussions that gets everyone participating; enabling teams to increase collaboration, accountability, and results. 

To Get Unstuck...

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Windows Explorer Kit

Think With Your Hands!

Lego Serious Play Methodology-1

What Makes LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshops So Effective?

Building with LEGOS® is a hands on multimodal experience that boosts creativity and understanding of ideas. When workshop participants use LEGOS® to build their ideas,  those 3D models leverage metaphors and stories which generates interest, open communication, deep listening and better retention of the ideas and discussion that took place. 

When participants build models with their hands, the bar is lowered enabling them to delve into complex ideas, find creative solutions, and improve their ability to think flexibly. At HELM365, our LSP WORKSHOPS are facilitated around clear objectives,  bringing energy, focus and improved communication and collaboration, to your challenges.

Book a Free Consult

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitated Meeting & Workshop Options


Build trust, activate growth mindset, amplify collaboration, and improve accountability. 

Ideation & Innovation

Empower groups to consider ideas 
that are beyond their current thinking

Mission, Vision & Values

Clarify purpose, rally around vision, and create a culture that is inclusive and accountable.

Change Management

Overcome obstacles, define strategy, clarify goals, motivate, and measure success.

In-person and virtual workshops starting at $1500



Ready to explore how a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® meeting or workshop can improve your team dynamics? Great, let's get started!

Book a Free Consult