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HELM365 1:1 Coaching

Gain Insights, Overcome Obstacles, Advance Your Career

Are you..

  • Struggling with a lack of vision and energy for what is possible; feeling stuck?
  • Overwhelmed by everything that needs solving; burnt-out?
  • Frustrated by loud negative self-talk telling you, you don't have what it takes; imposter syndromed?
  • Derailed by self-sabotaging habits that are holding your career back; stalled out?

Do you want to...

  • Be able to pinpoint what is holding you and your team back?
  • A space to flex strategic thinking and give yourself time to think vs execute. (Coaching because you haven't had a manager to talk through ideas since you got promoted to manager!)?
  • Stop feeling frustrated by loud negative self-talk telling you that you don't have what it takes; overcome imposter syndrome?
  • Feel confident to have difficult conversations, navigate uncertainty and manage through change?
  • Overcome low trust, disconnect and empathy overload; so that you can influence and empowere those around you?

Feeling ready to take your career to the next level but unsure of the next steps to make it happen? You're not alone. Obstacles and crossroads are part of the career journey. Whether it is advancing your leadership skills or making a career transition, Coach Rach SebellShavit, ICF PCC is here to coach you through your biggest obstacles, so that you can gain the clarity and confidence you need to take your career forward. If you're ready to break free from the constraints holding you back and unlock your true career potential, then coaching with Rach is exactly what you need.

How 1:1 Coaching Works

  • Cost-effective and proven IRON (Important, Reality, Options, Next Steps) methodology
  • LEGO Serious Play Facilitation
  • Industry-leading behavioral assessment (Hogan, PI, PQ, or LCP) to pinpoint values, strengths, and derailers
  • Questions to help you uncover answers to problems that were too far out of reach to get to on your own
  • Experimentation frameworks that will help you discover new perspectives, get out of your head, and see the bigger picture
  • Metrics to assess growth and goal achievement

Results You Can Expect

  • Find the answers to problems that were too far out of reach to get to on you own
  • Build and advance diverse high-performing teams
  • Reduce stress & burnout helping you bring joy back into the work that you do
  • Overcome derailing habits that sabotaging your personal and professional life
  • Improve decision-making quality, saving time, saving money, and reducing agita
  • Start driving results that matter

6 Months of 1:1 Coaching With HELM365

Starting at $3000

HELM365's Proven Methodology 'IRON'

  • I | Identify what is most IMPORTANT through diagnostics & discovery conversations
    Through a set of comprehensive diagnostic tools (Predictive Index, Hogan, Positive Intelligence, or Leadership Circle Profile), zero in on your  strengths, weaknesses, derailers, values, and motivators so that you can get empowered and take your career to the next level.

  • R | Set RELEVANT goals so you can start charting a path towards the REALITY you desire
    Set a powerful 6-12 month vision for your development and design the goals and actions you are going to take to achieve these goals and make them your reality.
  • O | OVERCOME obstacles and discover options through quality experimentation
    Experimentation is critical to growth and developing success strategies that will enable the change you want to see in your personal & professional life. Together we will design thoughtful experiments to try out new skills and behaviors as you make your way towards your goals.

  • N | Identify the NEXT steps that will solidify your path to success
    Gaining confidence and getting empowered is not a destination, it is a new way of being that enables you to see a clear path ahead. As coaching wraps up, we will work together to ensure you feel confident, balanced, strong, resilient, and ready to use your voice and skills so that you can thrive in your personal life and career.

Rach changed my life and I am immensely grateful for the coaching she has provided to me. I was able to overcome some big hurdles, think about things in a new way and re-learn how to solve complex problems with her guidance. Rach is a seasoned executive and whole self coach who understands the power of inquisition, empathy, and meaningful goal setting. I recommend her to any level of leader looking to level up in the workplace or in life!"
~Jimmy Dickinson, VP of Industry, NTT DATA Business Solutions

Ready to overcome the obstacles holding you and your team back?

Book A Free Consult
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Rach SebellShavit ICF PCC

Leadership & Team Effectiveness Coach focused on helping leaders and teams with curiosity in their DNA overcome their biggest obstacles so they can drive the results that matter.

20+ Years In Boston Tech & Non-Profit

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5000+ Hours of Coaching & Training Delivered


500+ Hours of Coach & Trainer Certification Completed

Hogan Certified Coach
Leadership Circle Profile Certified Coach
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Certified Wellcoach